Looking Evil this Halloween

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Looking Evil this Halloween

Are you the girl next door? The boy next door? Have you all your life been known as “a good kid”? Well, with Halloween right around the corner, this is no time to be polishing your halo. If you’re chronically cute, the trick to looking evil this Halloween is all in the eyes and makeup Forget the costume for now. Without scary eyes and makeup , that vampire outfit is almost useless.

The eyes have it.  Smudge your base color on the lid, blending up and out towards the brow till it pretty much just fades away. A nice grey would work well for this. Next you need to intensify that color with a darker color by adding it to the crease of the following the natural curve of the socket. Lighten under the brow line and use a round makeup brush to smudge it the two colors together starting from the outside in. Go easy on your eyeliner and do wear mascara. If you look younger than you are, your eyes will be just right for this look.Halloween Makeup
Halloween MakeupMakeup does not hold the magical power that a Halloween mask can. They have the ability that will transform you into another place and time whether you want to be a superhero or heroine. By starting with a Halloween costume idea you can be anybody or anything that you desire for one night of the year. From the beginning of time humans wore masks either to worship gods or spirits of the earth. Another regular item for this type a mask would be using bird feathers and creating a beak that would create a haunting bird mask.


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