Geezer Bandit…Mask?

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Being nearly retired, I, when asked about living on a fixed income, kiddingly say that I have a gun and a ski mask in my car and make an occasional withdrawal from the local bank when I need a little extra cash.

But there is an old man known as the ‘Geezer Bandit’, who isn’t kidding as he robs bank after bank in California.  But is he really an old man, or a younger man wearing an elaborate mask?  



In the main, the quality of rubber/latex masks found in Halloween shops has deteriorated over the years; but there are a couple of companies manufacturing high quality masks that are good enough to fool the general public.  And for several hundred dollars, they had better be better than good, they better be  great quality masks. 

In the early and mid 1950’s Don Post Studios made the most realistic, albeit monster type, masks that I ever saw.  Movie quality to be sure.   I doubt that the scary Post ‘Phantom of the Opera’ or ‘Werewolf’ masks would have been so disarming.  

 On the realistic masks, the fit is tight enough so that the mask moves in conjunction with the muscles of the face and the mouth opens and closes when the person wearing the mask speaks.  How can you tell if it’s a face or a mask? 

Come back in a few days and all will be revealed.  


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