Stage Designs

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Stage Designs 

Most  stage designs are versatile and may be redesigned to produce unique backdrops for parties and events, tailored to any theme. For me, each scene indicated by an author should be considered correctly, just as each note in his orchestral score and in each sentence of his poetry,” he wrote of his approach to staging Wagner in his book The Stage — My Life” (1996). He did pioneering work with lighting, projections and holography, paving the way for some of the technical stage wizardry that is common today. In The Stage — My Life,” which takes the form of a conversation with the music scholar Kurt Pahlen, the designer discussed his approach.

Mr. Schneider-Siemssen had a special ability to translate the visions of directors into stage imagery, Mr. Schenk said in a telephone interview, praising his versatility, especially in returning to works he had designed before. One famous play has an elaborate set that shows the stage from the front in one-act and from the back side in the second act. In a stage play the sets just have to suggest the location and maybe the mood of the scene. 


Although we weren’t speaking of costumes in this article….It’s not uncommon to see some of Shakespeare’s plays performed with only the actors wearing period costumes. For instance, fairy tales like Hansel and Gretel make good use of stage enhancements. That is exactly what they did on the Miner Family Stage and they set the bar pretty high. They easily pumped out one of the tightest, most energetic sets of the day – mark my word, these guys are destined for greatness.



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